Ethnic Studies Basics
Ethnic Studies Basics
The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Ethnic Studies
African Americans and other ethnic minority groups—including Native Americans, Latino/as, and Asian Americans—fought for equal rights in the 1960s. These groups were tired of being marginalized...
Big Players
While Ethnic Studies departments and colleges were established on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, Ethnic Studies as a theoretical perspective can be traced back to an African American socio...
Key Debates
Ethnic Studies is a pretty vast field, bringing together loads of different cultural, social, and racial perspectives. But there are still some big themes that pop up again and again. Given that Et...
State of the Theory
Ethnic Studies went through a rough patch in the 1980s, when budget cuts and backlash from some politicians forced a lot of Ethnic Studies departments to shutdown. But since then, it's recovered.To...
Talking the Talk
What is literature? Literature is made up of texts that tell us about ethnic identity. A literary text can show us the same old tired stereotypes about ethnic groups, or it can throw these stereoty...