The Eumenides Memory and The Past Quotes

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Quote #10

(Athena): "You are not dishonoured—and do not from excessive anger blight the land of mortal men, goddesses that you are! I too have my trust—in Zeus; and what need I say? Besides, I alone of the gods know the keys of the house in which his lightning is sealed—but there is no need for it: be ready to let me persuade you, and do not throw out a wild tongue's threats against the land, for all things which bear crops to do badly. Lull the waves of your black anger in its bitter force to sleep, for you are to be honoured with awe, and be the sharer of my home. When you have the first-fruits of this great land for evermore, sacrifices made for children and for marriage's fulfillment, you will be grateful for my speech." (824-836)

Yes, another entry in the Future-From-The-Perspective-Of-The-Fictional-Characters-But-Past-From-The-Perspective-Of-Aeschylus-And-His-Audience Category. This one is about how the Furies got their new role as the "Kindly Ones" a.k.a. "Eumenides."