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Ezra and Nehemiah Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do the Persian rulers let the Israelites rebuild their temple? What's the relationship of these different Gentile rulers (like Cyrus and Artaxerxes) with Israel's God?
  2. What do you think of Ezra/Nehemiah's attack on interfaith marriages? Is it justifiable within the cultural context of its time?
  3. Why is the Temple so important? Why can't you just worship God in the back room of a Kinko's or in the drive-thru at Wendy's?
  4. Why do the foreign leaders want the Temple rebuilding to fail? What do they fear?
  5. Why do people have such a tendency to backslide? Why do Ezra and Nehemiah keep patching things up?
  6. What is the attitude of the people of Israel as a whole toward Ezra's and Nehemiah's reforms?
  7. What function does it serve when, in Chapter 9 of Nehemiah, Ezra runs through the whole history of Israel and confesses its sins in a giant public ceremony?
  8. What's the point of all those long lists in Ezra, recording so many names?
  9. Does Nehemiah seem a bit narcissistic?
  10. In Chapter 8 of Ezra, the people fast and pray for God's protection. What's the connection?
  11. How can Nehemiah rebuild the wall and gates all around in Jerusalem in 52 days when it takes your parents that long to get an estimate from their carpenter?