Fallen Angels Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I started crying, and Peewee got up and came to my bunk. He put his arms around me and held me until we both fell asleep. (14.184)

We could make a joke about Perry and Peewee's bromance here, but what with Perry all weepy it doesn't seem like quite the right moment. So the fact is: when Perry's at his worst, Peewee gets it and is there for him. What better comfort is there than a good snuggle?

Quote #5

We went over to where Monaco was squatting with a bottle of soda. Monaco looked up, then he stood and threw both arms around me and hugged me. It really touched me. I thought I was going to cry.
"I'm sorry you're back," he said. "But I'm real glad to see you, man. Real glad." (17.24-25)

Last time Monaco saw Perry, Perry was wounded. Monaco's too happy that Perry is okay to act tough. Cute, right?

Quote #6

"What did you say?"
"I didn't say nothing," Johnson said. "I don't talk that s***. A man in Nam fighting by my side is a man fighting by my side. I don't care what he doing in bed." (18.30-31)

Johnson's absolutely the guy you want on your side. To him, loyalty is simple. Whatever his views about gay people, he puts his fellow soldiers first, and he won't talk badly about the people fighting by his side.