Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Lieutenant Carroll, Sergeant Simpson, Johnson

It would be simple if Perry and his friends have just one mentor, but it doesn't work that way. People die, transfer units, go home.

But here's what it comes down to: Perry and his friends look up to men who act like their equals, instead of acting like they're above them.

Lieutenant Carroll is in charge of the platoon, but he also takes care of them. He often asks what individual members need, or talks openly about himself, telling them he doesn't know who he is anymore. He says prayers over the bodies of the dead, showing he values their lives even if he's just met them. So when he is giving orders on a mission, everyone listens.

When Carroll dies, the soldiers look up to Simpson, and when Simpson's sent home, Johnson's unofficially in charge. All are men who have earned the platoon's trust. They look out for the whole squad, instead of showing favoritism. They put their friends above their army careers.

Basically, they're good humans. Which is a hard thing to be in a war, so kudos to them.