Far From the Madding Crowd Drugs & Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I've been drinky once this month already, and I did not go to Church a-Sunday, and I dropped a curse or two yesterday, so I don't want to go too far for my safety." (42.33)

Joseph Poorgrass knows that he's walking on thin ice as far as his good behavior has gone lately. He admits that he's been drunk and has missed church, and he really wants to get back on track sooner rather than later.

Quote #8

The minutes glided by uncounted, until the evening shades began perceptibly to deepen, and the eyes of the tree were but sparkling points on the surface of darkness. (42.44)

As Joseph Poorgrass gets drunk in the pub, he totally loses track of time. It's not until Gabriel Oak barges in and reminds him that he's got a job to do that he snaps back to attention. By now, it's too late though. He has already missed the deadline for getting Fanny Robin's casket to the cemetery for a funeral.

Quote #9

Do hold thy horning, Jan! […] As for you Joseph, who do your wicked deeds in such confoundedly holy ways, you are as drunk as you can stand. (42.51)

Gabriel Oak doesn't mind when his workmen take a break to drink when they're on their own time. When they're supposed to be working, it's a whole different story. And Gabriel isn't just mad at Poorgrass for getting drunk. He's just as mad with Jan Coggan for applying peer pressure.