Finding Nemo Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Finding Nemo.

Quote #4

GILL: My first escape, landed on dental tools. I was aiming for the toilet.

NEMO: Toilet?

GILL: All drains lead to the ocean, kid.

NEMO: Wow. How many times have you tried to get out?

GILL: Ah, I've lost count. Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to you.

Gill's even suffered because of his persistence. He's got that beat up fin. But, we get the feeling this fish is never gonna stop until he's back in the ocean. That's some dedication.

Quote #5

GILL: All right, gang, we have less than forty-eight hours before Darla gets here. This tank will get plenty dirty in that time, but we have to help it along any way we can. Jacques?


GILL: No cleaning.

JACQUES: I shall resist.

GILL: Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Think dirty thoughts. We're gonna make this tank so filthy the dentist will have to clean it.

Okay, this is pretty gross, but the Tank Gang is determined to make this plan work. They're gonna live in their own filth, resist the urge to clean, and get out of this land-based prison. It's a tank break!

Quote #6

DORY: Oh. Oh, oh, big fella. Big fe—whale. Okay. Maybe he only speaks whale. Mooooo-weeeeeee-neeeeeeed...

MARLIN: Uh, Dory, what're you doing?

DORY: Toooooo-fiiiiiiiind...

MARLIN: What're you doing?

DORY: His-sooooooooooon...

MARLIN: Are you sure you speak whale?

One thing you can say for Dory—she's got guts. Marlin isn't so convinced about her whale-speak abilities, but that doesn't stop Dory from trying dialect after dialect. She's going to get through to this whale somehow.