Flowers for Algernon Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

I know there's no reason to be ashamed, but it's an empty feeling not going in to work every day—not seeing the shop, the ovens, the people. (11.109)

What exactly is Charlie ashamed of here? Is it because he's no longer a productive member of society with a job at the bakery? Is he having some kind of existential crisis?

Quote #5

My confused feeling for her had been holding me back, and I had clung to her out of my fear of being forced out on my own, and cut adrift. (12.126)

Charlie and Alice have one complicated relationship. Does he keep coming back to her out of guilt? Does he feel like he owes her something?

Quote #6

As shocking as it is to discover the truth about men I had respected and looked up to, I guess Burt is right. I musn't be too impatient with them. (13.154)

Let's see: here's a perfect opportunity for Charlie to cast all the blame on the men who basically used him like a guinea pig. But he doesn't. We're not totally sure why not… Are you?