Flowers for Algernon Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

It has to do with Charlie. For some reason, he won't let me make love to you. (14.204)

Rather than just acting and dealing with the guilt later, Charlie operates out of fear of guilt. He's afraid that if he has sex with Alice while pretending she's Fay, he won't be able to live with the guilt later on.

Quote #8

You've boasted time and again that I was nothing before the experiment, and I know why. Because if I was nothing, then you were responsible for creating me, and that makes you my lord and master. (16.247)

Get it, Charlie—way to show Nemur what's up. In the process of unleashing his resentment, Charlie simultaneously reclaims his autonomy, too, which is pretty cool.

Quote #9

I was furious at being trapped here. I didn't want to see Norma. (16.268)

So Charlie doesn't have a problem forgiving his mom, but he gets upset when his sister gets home… Sounds like someone isn't too sure about where to place the blame, which is pretty understandable given the way his family has treated him.