Fog Resources


Everything Sandburg

He's got a one-stop shop equipped with everything you'll ever want to know.

"Nonsense is for Everyone."

That's right. It's okay to be nonsensical and Sandburg encourages it!

Sandburg and Pound

Our man names Pound as the single most influential maven of words.


Foggy and Groovy

Here's a cool reading and video of "Fog."

A New Sandburg Documentary

The Day Carl Sandburg Died chronicles his life, political views, and of course works.

Monroe and Sandburg

Yup, they were friends—platonic friends of course.


Sandburg Has a Dreamy Voice

Listen to the poet reading "How Six Umbrellas Took Off Their Straw Hats to Show Respect."

Sandburg Sings America!

More links to Sandburg, the folk musician.


The Man Himself

He kind of looks like a sleepy kitty here.

Kitties and Fog

This kitty checks out the fog.

The Little Cat Feet

The kitties leave their mark in Sandburg's poem.

Articles and Interviews

Sandburg and Lincoln

As a historian, Sandburg wrote a lot about the man who helped change it all.

Sandburg On Race

The poet was also a journalist and wrote a lot about the racial tensions of his time, especially those in Chicago.


Chicago Poems

Here's the complete collection.

The Other Carl Sandburg

This is all about the days before he was famous and what got him there.