- What do you learn about Four in these stories that you didn't know about him in Divergent? How else do these stories contribute the world building of this universe?
- Why only four Four stories? What else do you want to know about this character from before the events of Divergent?
- How does each title relate to its respective story?
- What do the bonus scenes set during Divergent add to the story? What do they reveal about Four or Tris that you didn't already know?
- Does the depiction of Dauntless before Eric's takeover surprise you? What changes from the time Four is initiated to the time when Tris is initiated?
- From what other character's perspective would you like to see stories written?
- What themes do each of the four main stories in Four have in common?
- When are these stories set? Not all are necessarily prequels. Why did Veronica Roth choose to set the stories at this time, instead of writing a Four sequel?
- If you could give the Four prequel treatment to another series (like Harry Potter or The Hunger Games) which series would you choose, which character, and why? What would the prequel add to that universe?