Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Four? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Four's first tattoo?
faction symbols
a character that turns out to mean "flatulence" in Chinese
Q. What is Four's second choice of tattoo?
faction symbols
an accidentally misspelled movie quote
Q. Which of the following is one of the objects Tobias kept under his bed?
a wooden carving of the number 4
a stuffed teddy bear
a blue sculpture
a bag of marshmallows, for snacking
Q. Where did Tobias keep his mementos?
in a drawer
behind a bookcase
in a locked trunk
in a DVD case for the movie Memento
Q. What do some people do when they get too old to be Dauntless?
they change factions
they become factionless
they kill themselves
they get plastic surgery