How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I jump up and cover my ears, holding my hands real tight. "Don't want to hear it! Don't want to hear it! Don't! Don't! Don't!" (13.32)
Hmmm, probably not the most mature reaction Max could have had to mention of his father, but it's a pretty clear indication that this guy doesn't want to talk about his father or his past.
Quote #5
"I woke up just now worrying that you might wonder why I never mention her. Your mother. You might still be thinking the wrong way on that, and believe what they told you. You being such a tiny little thing when it happened, how could you know the truth of it?" (17.41)
Max's dad is trying to revise the past, it seems. Does it work?
Quote #6
I just sit there like a lump until the sun comes up, trying not to think about things I didn't want to remember. (17.55)
Max has been kidnapped by his dad and now he's locked up in a basement, "trying not to think about things [he] didn't want to think about." We're pretty sure we've seen this scene before. But is this the same kind of hiding Max does in the down under?