How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Because everything is mixed up and he's doing the same thing to Loretta Lee he did to my mom, choking the life out of her, […] it's like I'm four years old again, peeking out from behind the bedroom door and then running to bang my little fists at him while the light fades from her eyes. (20.5-6)
Memories can be pretty intense. So intense, in fact, that here, Max reverts to when he was a kid.
Quote #8
"They never talk about it," I say. "They don't have to because I can't ever forget it, no matter how much I try." (20.15)
We've finally found out what it is that Max has been trying to forget: his father killed his mother when he was a kid. No wonder he can't forget that. Do you think if he faced the truth, he'd be able to get over it more quickly, or is he doing the right thing by hiding from it?