Freewill Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Flowers. Cards. Notes. Bears, and things. People care. People are good. (269)

It doesn't seem like Will really feels the goodness of people, but at least he's capable of recognizing it when he sees it.

Quote #2

Angela isn't long patient with this. With you. Watch it boy. You might lose this. You don't want to lose this do you? (365)

For a guy who seems so mired in his bad attitude and hopelessness, Will sure recognizes a chance at happiness when he sees one in Angela.

Quote #3

What are you waiting for? That a good tide is going to bring you a superior something? (482)

Here Will seems to mock his hope. It's a love-hate relationship with pretty much everything for this guy.