Freewill Resources


Lynch's Home on the Web

Okay, technically this is his publisher's home, but still—it has some biographical info, as well as a round-up of his work.

A Teen's Guide for Depression

Feeling blue or know someone who is? This website can help you find the help you need.

Articles and Interviews

The Lowdown on Frank Sinatra

In case you're not familiar with the guy, here's the dirt.

How Does Talking to You Make You Feel?

There is a reason Lynch uses the second person narration style to write about depression, and this article explores it in depth.


Lynch on What Inspired Him to Write Freewill

Lynch talks briefly about the story behind Freewill and—bonus—reads a section.

The King of Cool Singing "Summer Wind"

Will is haunted by the song "Summer Wind," which Frank Sinatra made into a hit in 1966. Find out what's so cool about it.


Your Author…

… gazing meaningfully at the ocean. Yes, seriously.

Not Sure What Free Will Is?

Then check out this comic. It sums it up pretty nicely.

The Old Cover Treatment

A simple cover, featuring the ocean.