Freewill Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The reason I don't have any friends around here is that people suck and I'm not interested. The reason you don't have any friends is that you're a damn weirdo." (299)

Angela bonds with Will over their status as outcasts, yet she also makes a point of setting herself apart from him here. Looks like misery can only stand so much company…

Quote #2

His garden is your beach. (541)

Everyone needs a space to feel safe in, a place to go when you need to retreat from the world. For Pops it is the garden, and for Will it is the beach.

Quote #3

You are with yourself alone. People are nearby […] but they are never really with you, are they? (615)

Maybe Will's having a bit of a woe-is-me moment here, but maybe he's also tapping into something that's simply true: There is always a bit of space between us, a limit to just how together we can be as humans since, in the end, we're each different.