Frey (Freyr)'s Conversations

Frey (Freyr)'s Conversations


So much <3 for my Gertie bean.



Baby, you know you love me!


Keep telling yourself that.


Check yourself before your wreck yourself, Gerðr.

Now now, Skirny, no need to get feisty.

Hey boo! :*

Hi gorgeous! How’s life in the feather dress?

Delicious as always.

That’s what I like to hear. Do you and your cats want to race me and my boar tonight? A little drag racing perhaps?

YES. Definitely. I’m just giving Odie a magic lesson over dinner and then I’ll come find you.



Oh, free your mind Gerdie!

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You two do realize that you're siblings, don’t you?

Watch it, sweetheart.

It’s okay, Frey – I wouldn’t expect a GIANTESS to understand much about anything.

Watch it, sis.


You two are so juvenile.

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has the best servant in the universe.


Aw, shucks. You’re making me blush, master.

It’s true! Because of you, I get to wake up next to the love of my life every morning.


I hate you.


Don't you talk to my master like that, woman.


Why don’t you two just marry each other? You have my blessing.

LOL! Oh, Gerdie. You are a barrel of laughs.

What would Asgard do without us gorgeous Vanir gods? Am I right?!

Probably die of ugliness.

HAHAHAHA! That’s so true.

Oh please.

You know you love me, Odie!

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Swedish Citizen

Dear Lord Frey, I’m crushing on this girl. She’s amazing. I’ve been courting her, but things are moving slowly. I really want to marry her and live happily ever after. Can you help me?

Of COURSE! It’s simple, really. Give her eleven golden apples, a magically reproducing ring, and lots of love letters.

Oh, and P.S. If that doesn’t work, promise her a lifetime of human suffering and wish death and destruction upon her family. Worked like a charm with my wife, Gerðr.


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Composing a love letter for my wifey.


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Swedish Citizen

Lord Frey! Hoping you could secure some beautiful skies for our harvest this year. We’ve got a huge apple crop. If you pull through for us, we’ll send you as many apple crisps as your heart desires.

I do love me some apple crisp. Blue skies it is.