From Russia with Love Resources


Bond Age

With birthday announcements and memorial tributes, the MI6 fansite has all the Bonds covered from birth to death.

Castle in the Clouds

Wishing your Bond news came with more word clouds? This fansite's for you.

Book or TV Adaptations

Book Him

Some critics argue that From Russia with Love brings Bond closer to "book Bond" than any other film. Read it and judge for yourself.

Articles and Interviews

Without a Spectre of Doubt

Den of Geek argues that the SPECTRE in From Russia with Love was more effective than the SPECTRE in SPECTRE. Try to keep up.

From Britain to "U"

Film critic Peter Bradshaw gushes about his "favourite" Bond film. And that's "favourite" with a "u," the same way Bond would spell it.

Sign of the Times

The original Times review is written by Bosley Crowther, a man whose name sounds more suited for MI6 agent than film critic.

From 001 to 0024

Rolling Stone ranks all the Bond films. From Russia With Love is #002.

Hitchcock Rip-off?

Alfred Hitchcock fans see his visuals and plot devices everywhere in From Russia With Love, from the helicopter chase to the train scenes to the icy blonde leading lady. Not to mention the Lektor decoder: the ultimate MacGuffin. Like many things, Hitch did it first.


Swear to Tell the Truth

James Bond being interviewed by one of OJ Simpson's defense attorneys sounds like really weird fan fiction, but reality is stranger than (fan) fiction.

007 in 128 bits

Connery says his character in the From Russia with Love game looks "better than original." We'd say the same about the video game if it featured a mini-game in which Bond tosses his hat on the rack to wow Miss Moneypenny.


The Music on the AM Radio

Thanks to YouTube you can listen to the title song without the characters from the movie talking over it.


Wearing Only a Sheet

This huge classic poster tells us everything we need to know about the film…if the film entirely consisted of scantily clad women.

We're not sure who the brunette is in this stylish fan-made poster.

The Name is Fleming. Ian Fleming

Here's the author of the Bond novels on the set of From Russia with Love. Very dashing dontcha think?

"He Seems Fit Enough"

You wouldn't want to mess with Grant. He doesn't flinch when Rosa Klebb punches him in the gut with brass knuckles. Some abs.

All Bond All the Time

Here's a nifty photo from the Eon website of all the Bonds in their films.