How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Pressia knows that it's fear that keeps her love in check. (29.14)
If Pressia falls deeply in love with Bradwell, then he becomes her world: losing him would be utterly devastating. Love is pretty much the scariest thing in the world.
Quote #8
She doesn't despise her old self as much as she fears her. (30.35)
Lyda doesn't want to revert back to her old self. It's not that she doesn't like what she used to be, but she's terrified of becoming that brainwashed academy girl again. Because if she reverts back, she loses what she's gained from being outside of the Dome.
Quote #9
El Capitan would love to be able to override his own instincts and emotions, mainly fear. Fear claws in his chest like a trapped animal. (46.4)
Even the bravest, most hardened character in this book can be afraid. In fact, it seems like El Capitan is the most frightened person. But hey, he uses fear to his advantage; because of that clawing in his chest, he's able to maintain a fighting attitude.