How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
He finds a door, pushes it open, ready to breathe the cold air. And then he's outside. But that's just it. No one's every really outside here. (42.82)
If you can never really go outside, then you never have the comfort of coming inside. You can never feel the coziness of being out of the elements. The Dome is a false representation of a community.
Quote #8
[…] she's trapped again, except there isn't even the watery swirl of fake, wet snow. (74.7)
What makes things worse for Lyda when she goes back to the Dome is that she's not even in an artificial location. She's straight-up trapped in a room with no windows. Now that's the most literal definition of being isolated.
Quote #9
She knows that he's giving her privacy. He's telling her that now is the time to say what she needs to say—including good-bye. (75.31)
Another word for "isolation" can be "privacy," which is something we all need sometimes. El Capitan knows that Pressia needs privacy when Bradwell is dying.