How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Time was only of the essence during the Before, when they could still hope to stop Willux. (20.50)
Time is always of the essence when you're trying to stop an evil mastermind. If you lose your sense of urgency, you falter and become weak.
Quote #5
"Suspended time is, by definition, time not spent. It exists alongside time as we know it. So it can't be wasted, can it?" (32.50)
Is the time spent in a cryogenic chamber lost? Or is it suspended?
Quote #6
"Preservation," Iralene says. "There's nothing better for your longevity." (53.12)
Iralene and Mimi are such unfortunate characters because of what Ellery has them do. Preservation, though good for longevity, has become their sole goal in life. But what's the point of living for a long time if you're not actually living?