Giants in the Earth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Giants in the Earth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the name of the town where Per Hansa goes for lumber?

Sioux Falls
Biz Markie
Q. Why is Kjersti annoyed with Tönseten?

They don't have any children
He's a terrible cook
He is never at home
He hits too many people
Q. What type of people tries to settle on Tönseten and Hans Olsa's land?

Other Norwegians
Q. What happens to the cows when they disappear?

Wolves eat them
They're found at the nearby river
They're stolen by the Germans
Aliens abduct them
Q. Who is the first Norwegian to plant trees around his house?

Ole Hansa
Hans Olsa
Per Hansa