Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar

Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar Gossip

All the juicy facts. XOXO Gossip Shmoop.

Sandra and Susan are darned sweet, so there's just not much gossip to be found, but here's what we dug up. Don't expect any scandals, okay?

They have set the bar for successful intellectual collaboration. As one critic put it:

Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar are the best-known North American collaborative literary critics: they numbered among Ms. magazine's 'women of the year' for 1985 and their books, particularly their Norton Anthology of Women's Literature, have gained canonical status […]

Sandra Gilbert is a prolific, award-winning poet as well as a maven of literary criticism. We're impressed.

One of Sandra's biggest supporters and mentors was M.H. Abrams. Gilbert even won the M.H. Abrams Distinguished Visiting Professorship.

As a graduate student, Sandra already had three children, all under three and a half years old.

Reading feminist icons Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan at an early age shocked Sandra into a feminist consciousness.

Susan always suffered from a little "white coat syndrome": fear of doctors. 

Neither Susan nor Sandra—arguable the two heaviest hitters of 19th-century feminist criticism—specialized in 19th-century lit as grad students. Susan studied 18th-century lit and Sandra was a student of modern British lit.