Gilead Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It strikes me that your mother could not have said a more heartening word to me by any other mans than she did by loving that unremarkable book so much that I noticed and read it, too. (1.12.3)

Lila is a young woman who marries an oldish man. She does it out of love; she doesn't secretly loathe Ames or regret the life she's chosen by marrying him. This sign of her affection and devotion comforts Ames more than he can say.

Quote #5

You see how it is godlike to love the being of someone. Your existence is a delight to us. (1.12.13)

A concise but deep statement, John Ames. Those who love find joy in those they love—merely because they exist. Babies, for example, cry and make messes, but this takes nothing of the joy of their existence away.

Quote #6

It is one of the best traits of good people that they love where they pity. (1.15.146)

What does pity look like when it's not accompanied by love? Does such unloving pity lead to different behavior from loving pity? Which is better?