Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Reg Keeland/a.k.a. Steven T. Murray's English language translation.

Quote #10

[…] the Wennerström empire of obscure companies was linked to the heart of the international Mafia, including everything from illegal arms dealing and money laundering for South American drug cartels to prostitution in New York, and even indirectly for child sex trade in Mexico. (Epilogue.33)

Blomkvist is the vigilante of the world of high finance, though he uses words, not physical violence, to get his revenge.

Quote #11

Martin Vanger drove straight into the truck and the sound of the crash was terrible. (24.119)

Is this justice? Is it better that Martin is dead or would you have liked to see him face his crimes alive?

Quote #12

"But the point is that I couldn't bring myself to say anything. The whole word would have found out. My schoolmates, all my relatives…" (26.99)

Harriet keeps her secrets because she fears the judgment of the people she knows. As we discuss in "What's Up with the Epigraph?" this is a common problem.