Glengarry Glen Ross Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

MOSS: The pressure's just too great. (1.2.48-49)

Nothing confusing about this statement: Moss is dissatisfied with the job because there is just too much pressure on them all of the time. Pressure leads them to take foolish risks, to sell each other out, and to flat out break the law.

Quote #5

MOSS: Some contest board… (1.2.73)

It's possible that all of the dissatisfaction in the office comes from that contest board. You might feel like you weren't in the best spot if every day you had to come in and fight for some spot on the board just in order to keep your job.

Quote #6

MOSS: "You lose, than we fire your…" It's medieval…it's wrong. (1.2.102-103)

Hyperbole is the friend of the dissatisfied. Moss has some legit points, but he's also good at making his (and the others's) situation seem like it is the most brutal, vicious situation ever. It's not just a bad job, after all—it's medieval.