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Glengarry Glen Ross Respect/Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

LEVENE: Things get set, I know they do, you get a certain mindset. A guy gets a reputation. (1.1.10-12)

You know how people will say that if you do certain things they'll stick with you forever? People say stuff like that a lot, and here we see that Levene believes it. He knows that people get ideas in their heads about other people, and those ideas just don't go away. He's been down for a while, and he knows if he stays down much longer, that reputation will stick.

Quote #2

LEVENE: The Seville…? He came in, 'you bought that for me Shelly.' (1.1.68-69)

This is the reputation Levene used to have—people used to think of him as a closer who made other people's fortunes. Not so anymore, but he desperately wants to be remembered for it.

Quote #3

LEVENE: I'm older than you. A man acquires a reputation. On the street. What he does when he's up, what he does otherwise. (1.1.216-217)

You know what Levene loves talking about? Yep—reputation. This is an important moment in the play because he's dropping some wisdom on the hated Williamson, and trying to show him that a man makes a name for himself by acting with honor whether he's on top or not. Notice that Levene says otherwise instead of being down or on the bottom. He just can't bring himself to say those words about himself.