Glengarry Glen Ross Respect/Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

LEVENE: Wasn't long I could pick up the phone, call Murray and I'd have your job. (1.1.262-264)

Reputation is like nostalgia for Levene, and he loves recounting how big time he used to be. What he seems to miss is that Williamson doesn't care what Levene did in the past—he's not closing now, so it just doesn't matter.

Quote #5

MOSS: We have to go to them to get them. Huh. Ninety percent our sale, we're paying to the office for the leads. (1.2.143-145)

At his core, Moss cannot stand what he sees as the utter disrespect the head office shows him and the others who are out on the street trying to make sales happen. In his mind, if they're grinding it out every day, they should be the ones getting paid for it. This mentality is what leads Moss to plot the robbery. There's some hypocrisy to this though, right? He plots it, but doesn't want to actually do it… and yet he still wants the pay off. Sound like the head office to you?

Quote #6

LEVENE: You ask them. When we were at Rio Rancho, who was top man? (2.1.541-542)

Even if his name wasn't right there, you would know who said this, because you've caught on to what Levene is all about. Levene is all about the reputation he used to have in the past.