
This page offers a brief summary of a few of the major critical interpretations of "Goblin Market."

This site has links and information on Christina Rossetti, her mother, and her sister.

This is a great online resource on the works of Christina Rossetti's brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. It includes the images he drew and painted to accompany "Goblin Market."

The Victorian Web is a great source for anyone interested in 19th-century British literature. This is a link to the overview on Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market."

This is a video of a puppet show adaptation inspired by "Goblin Market."

Part of the text of "Goblin Market" is set to music with images of the fruits listed at the beginning of the poem. So if you've ever wondered what a "quince" looks like, this video's for you.


This is a famous illustration for "Goblin Market" by Christina Rossetti's brother, Dante Gabriel.

This is another illustration for "Goblin Market" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

This is a simple black and white portrait of Christina Rossetti

This is an image of the 1933 edition of "Goblin Market" with illustrations by Arthur Rackham. You can tell it was marketed as a children's book. This particular copy is held by the library at Goucher College.

The University of Toronto's library provides the complete text of the poem, along with some helpful annotations and responses by Victorian critics.

This is an introduction to Christina Rossetti's life and works by Jan Marsh.

This is an article on "Goblin Market."