Goldfinger Resources


In His Sights

The official Bond website focused on Pussy Galore in Dec 2016.


Get more information than you can shake a goldfinger at from MI6, one of the largest Bond fansites.


Golden Pages

You'll have to go undercover—or at least between the covers of the book—to find out the differences between the novel and film versions of Auric Goldfinger.


Before Bond

In this profile of Sean Connery, we learn about the odd jobs he had before becoming a spy, like cement mixer and coffin polisher. Yes, coffin polisher.

Long Live the Queens

Bond Girls have a short life expectancy on film, but a long one in real life. Three Bond girls reunited fifty years later, including Tania Mallet, who played Tilly Masterson (who lasted about ten minutes in this movie).

Girls on Film

Critic Zina Hutton evaluates every single Bond film, focusing on how social mores differ now from fifty years ago.


An Odd(job) Audition

How many roles do you think require an actor to break wood panels with his feet during the audition process?

Encore, Encore

Fifty years later, Shirley Bassey is still solid gold.

Timing is Everything

Forget location location location. Connery believes that Bond's success is all in its timing timing timing.


Ranking the Tunes

We can't all be spies, but we can all have opinions on what the best Bond songs are.

Compare and Contrast

"Goldfinger" is the gold standard by which all other Bond songs are measured.

Golden Earworm

Any time is a good time to listen to the Goldfinger theme.


The Midas Touch

This poster features one unflattering image of Sean Connery (yes, they exist) and one killer tagline.

Stay Gold

We hope model Elle Evans survived being painted gold for this recreation of the golden girl scene.