Gone Girl Resources

Gillian Flynn's official website, with information about Gone Girl and her other novels, Sharp Objects and Dark Places.

The New York Times books section takes a look at Gone Girl.

The book has been adapted for the big screen, and is directed by Fight Club's David Fincher and stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. Check out the film's incredibly creative promotional website.

EW may have laid her off, but Gillian Flynn got the last laugh when she returned to her former magazine to talk about her runaway bestselling novel (pun semi-intended).

One thing that rocks about adapting your book into a screenplay yourself is that you can totally change the ending—and that's exactly what Gillian Flynn has done. Check out some of Vanity Fair's speculations about where Amy and Nick might end up this time.

Ever wonder what Gillian Flynn's favorite snacks are for writing? How about what music she listens to as a decompression tool from writing about dark, screwed up characters? You'll find all these goodies and more here.

Gillian sits down with Whoopi and the gang to talk about the bestselling Gone Girl.

A sneak peek at the film adaptation.

Thinking about buying the audiobook for your next car trip? Listen to an excerpt on NPR.

NPR interviews Gillian Flynn about Gone Girl, her writing process, and true crime as a pop culture phenomenon.

An artist's rendering of a basic book synopsis.

Gillian Flynn with Reese Witherspoon, producer of the Gone Girl movie.

A very creepy Entertainment Weekly cover promoting the Gone Girl movie.