Goodbye, Columbus Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You'll stay there too long and you'll be too good for us." (6.19)

Aunt Gladys is warm-hearted and kind. She definitely means well, but does this attitude contribute to Neil's inferiority complex and subsequent sabotage of his relationship with Brenda? Is it a form of manipulation? Why or why not?

Quote #5

"I just wish you'd realize what it is you're getting angry about. It's not my suggestion, Brenda. […] It's me." (6.142-6.144)

Neil can't get over thinking that Brenda looks down on him and doesn't treat him the way she would a wealthier man. He uses this accusation to manipulate her into proving her love by buying the diaphragm even though it makes her uncomfortable.

Quote #6

"Neil, I shouldn't have called Margaret Sanger—it's not right."

"It is, Brenda. It's the most right thing you can do." (6.286-6.287)

Neil seems to want the diaphragm both so they can have sex without fear of pregnancy and because he wants Brenda to do something for him that makes her uncomfortable. Instead of trying to discuss the issue with her, he presents the it's-right-because-I-say-so argument. Very mature.