Goodbye, Columbus Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"That's Tahiti. That's an island in the Pacific Ocean." (3.45)

Go to "What's Up With The Title?" for the ethical debate surrounding Gauguin and his work and how this informs our reading. We promise you won't be disappointed.

Quote #5

"You cheat! And you were stealing fruit!" she said and ran away before I had my chance to win. (3.123)

When Neil mirrors Julie in the ping-pong game by cheating, and not letting her win, she might see how she's been acting for the first time. But it isn't clear if Julie learned a lesson from Neil or not. Is he trying to help her, or does he just get carried away with the competitive spirit? Does he steal fruit? Is she right in accusing him?

Quote #6

"I guess so, she was always planting a tree in Israel for someone." (6.169)

Mr. Patimkin is pumping Neil about how involved he and his family are involved in Jewish activities and groups. Judaism is very concerned with doing good works, and planting trees is considered a good work. The high value she places on these activities probably explains Mrs. Patimkin's disappointment with Brenda, who doesn't participate in these things.