The Great Brain Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sunday morning we all went to the Community Church. There were only two churches in Adenville, the Mormon Tabernacle and the Community Church. All the Catholics and Protestants in town went to the Community Church. Once in a while a Catholic missionary priest came to Adenville to baptize Catholic babies, marry Catholics, and hold Confessions and Mass in the Community Church. And once a year the Reverend Ingle came to town and held a revival meeting in a big tent on the campground, lasting one week. All the Protestants in town went to the revival meeting. (4.13)

Sounds like it's Mormons on one side, everybody else on the other. Adenville is so Mormon the Catholics and Protestants send missionaries. Whoa.

Quote #5

We found Abie lying on his cot in the living quarters of the store. He was holding a Jewish prayer book in his hands, which were clasped on his chest. He was fully dressed, including his Jewish skull cap. His eyes were closed but he was breathing. (6.38)

So this… is not a good sign. Abie has laid himself out the way one might lay out a dead body. And of course, the only reason nobody's checked on him sooner is because of racist presumptions about Jewish people.

Quote #6

We stood there shamefaced, an entire town, as Reverend Holcombe of the Community Church looked helplessly across the grave at Bishop Aden of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

"Read the Christian burial service over him," the Mormon bishop said as the wind from a threatening cloudburst made his white beard wave back and forth. "I am sure both God and Abie will understand." (6.57-58)

It sounds like Adenville is doing its best. Adenville has so much religious diversity that you can be any kind of Christian you want. We suppose this might seem more impressive in 1896.