The Great Brain Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It isn't that we dislike the Jews or mean to be unkind to them. It is just that we don't worry about them the way we worry about other people. […] But the fact remains that we let a man starve to death because nobody worried about a Jew." (6.70)

The thing that bugs us about this is that nobody ever says why they don't worry about Jews the way they worry about other people. Do they just assume God will send Manna, like in Exodus?

Quote #8

"My great brain has thought of everything," Tom said confidently. "That is why I didn't let any Mormon kids in on this. The Mormons can't drink whiskey because it's against their religion." (7.101)

If there's one thing Tom knows, it's when to exclude people based on their religion. Er… good thinking, Tom?

Quote #9

"Where else could this bottle have come from?" Mrs. Taylor demanded. "You and your boarders are the only people in the block who aren't Mormons, and you know us Mormons never touch alcohol."

"Then you must have a backslider in your midst," Jimmie's mother said. "I would not take in a boarder who drank or smoked." (7.122-123)

These ladies are working up to a real holier-than-thou religious war, all thanks to Tom's devious whiskey-planting plot.