The Great Brain Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Papa isn't going to like this one bit," Tom said. "Papa says it is brains that count and not muscles. When he finds out you made me give up a good money-making scheme my great brain thought up, he is going to be mighty angry with you, Mamma. You just wait and see."

"When your father comes home," Mamma said, not in the least cowed by Tom's threats, "I'll have him explain to you the difference between an honest business transaction and swindling your friends." (1.155-157)

Is there really a difference in Tom's mind? How can you tell?

Quote #5

It was the first time my brother's great brain had cost him money. I was positive Tom would carry the scar of this financial catastrophe to his grave. (1.176)

If you want to get through to Tom, you need to speak his language—and yes, that means money is the best way to get through to him. Here J.D. refers to Tom losing money as a "scar."

Quote #6

"Even if they are alive," Tom said, "Uncle Mark told Papa they are probably going farther and farther into the cave, trying to find their way out. And he said it would take an army months to fully explore all levels of the cave." Tom shook his head. "If they don't find them alive it is going to cost me a fortune." (3.123)

And, uh, they'll be dead and it will be a terrible tragedy for their parents and the whole town. But priorities, you know?