The Great Brain Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You look worried, Abie," Papa said. "Do you need any money?"

Papa didn't have any money because Mamma said he didn't know beans about trying to save a dollar. But Papa knew he could send Abie to see Calvin Whitlock. (4.52-53)

Papa's awfully free and easy with other people's money, isn't he? Whether it's Abie's, Calvin Whitlock's, or anybody else's, Papa knows how others should spend their cash.

Quote #8

I thought Mr. Kokovinis was going to cry. And if he had known how much it was going to cost him for Tom being Basil's best friend, he probably would have. Now that Tom had made Basil a genuine American kid like the rest of us, it made the Greek boy fair game for my brother's great brain. Right now, I thought to myself, I'll bet Tom is trying to figure out how much to charge Mr. Kokovinis for each new English word he teaches Basil. (5.213)

If Tom were around today, he would definitely set up a for-profit university, complete with unnecessary course requirements he designed himself and textbooks written by himself under different pen names.

Quote #9

Abie had earned himself a reputation for being a miser since opening his variety store. It began when he had removed the strong box from his peddler's wagon and placed it in the living quarters of his store. It was a box made from wood with steel bands around it and had a big padlock on it. […]

It was just a couple of weeks after Abie opened his store that the rumor got around town the strongbox was filled with gold pieces. (6.4-5)

There's just not a lot going on in Adenville, and a strongbox full of gold pieces is prime gossip. Plus, who cares if he has a lot of gold pieces? He's not a miser just because he saves his money.