
Check out the website for Jazz, Ken Burns doing what he does best.

An e-book! Download it to your computer for those late night Fitzgerald cravings. (What, just us?)

Going to any 1920s costume parties? Be sure to check out this brief fashion guide.

And don't forget to make sure that your makeup is right.
Movie or TV Productions

This 1974 version starts Robert Redford and Mia Farrow

They didn't even need to change the setting much for this 2002 adaptation.

You know you want to see Leonardo diCaprio take on the role of Gatsby in Baz Luhrmann's 2013 film. (Man, Leo's characters don't have the best of luck around water, do they?)

Check out these truly awesome letters, to and from Fitzgerald. A sneak preview: "Since I last saw you I've tried to get married and then tried to drink myself to death but foiled … I have returned to literature."

Writer and illustrator Nicki Greenberg retells The Great Gatsby in her 2008 graphic novel – but instead of using human figures for the characters, she turns them into sea-alien creatures. Guess the rich really are different.

Check out the first installment of this A&E Fitzgerald biography. Warning: it doesn't have a happy ending.

And finally, make sure you know all the latest dances.

Well, probably not, since they look like a woman's. But they are yellow and looming on this classic book cover.

Here's a picture of Daisy—we mean, Zelda Fitzgerald. Wonder what her voice sounded like?

In the 1974 version. And guess what colors they're wearing?