The Great Wide Sea Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I told Gerry about when Dylan and I were very small and Dad let us put his trolling motor on my baby sailboat and go puttering around the cove. I got so excited about a fish hat I forgot to steer, and we ran the boat right into the shore. Dad didn't even get mad. (10.8)

The sad thing about this story is that Gerry doesn't believe it. He finds it impossible to believe there was ever a time that his dad wouldn't have gotten mad about something like that.

Quote #5

I realized then that I was standing there waiting for Mom to come—for her to step in and change everything. I was waiting, but she would never come. (11.47)

It sounds like Christine Byron was the peacemaker in her family. Ben's not much of a peacemaker, so he just gets in a fight with his dad instead.

Quote #6

"I knew you'd come back," he said.

"How could you know that?"

"You're our brother," he said. "You'd never leave us." (15.71-15.73)

Feel the brotherly love, y'all.