The Great Wide Sea Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We were in the trough of a wave. I was staring into a wall of water. I looked up for the top of the waves. […] Forty feet? But I was afraid of exaggerating. Thirty feet at least. (26.22-26.23)

…and this is exactly why we'll be staying in the shallow end of the swimming pool for the rest of our lives. Don't mess with the open ocean, guys.

Quote #5

All my senses stretched to read the ocean before us. Where were the coral heads? The rocks? The shoals? My ears strained for the sound of breakers on a beach. (28.24)

There are times when Ben feels almost at one with nature. He's very in tune with his surroundings…maybe because his surroundings are as angry as he is.

Quote #6

The whole mast crashed town toward the cockpit, then swung to port and splashed into the ocean, dragging the shrouds across the cockpit and pulling the hull slightly sideways with it. Then the boat was still. (28.27-28.28)

Looks like we finally have a winner in the battle of the Terrible Nightmare Storm vs. The Chrysalis. (Um, it ain't the Chrysalis.)