Groundhog Day Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Groundhog Day? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of these things does Phil do on Groundhog Day?

Save a kid falling from a tree
Save a homeless old man from dying
Get Rita to have sex with him
Win a crossbow shootout
Q. What instrument does Phil learn how to play?

Q. What does Phil get a young married couple as a wedding present?

A new set of knives
A copy of his own Autobiography
A piano
Tickets to Wrestlemania
Q. Which of the following things does Rita not like?

White Chocolate
French poetry
Her job
Q. How does Phil help a car full of elderly women?

He replaces a flat tire
He gives them directions
He fills their car with gas
He sings for them