Shock Rating

Shock Rating


95% of Groundhog Day is a nice wholesome family comedy: c'mon, one of the supporting actors is a dang rodent.

But the other 5% gets pretty dark. Phil Connors shows just what a terrible person he can be when he tricks a woman named Nancy into sleeping with him. But the darkest part of the movie is definitely the suicide montage in which Phil kills himself over and over only to wake up again in his B&B bed.

At one point, we even see his cold body on a slab in a morgue. We also see him jump face first from a tall building and drop a working toaster into the bathtub while he's submerged. Many viewers of Groundhog Day are often surprised by just how dark this part of the movie gets, so get ready for it. And keep the small kiddos away from the big screen.