Happy Days Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7


Why doesn't he dig her out? he says—referring to you, my dear— What good is she to him like that? (1.31.)

What is actually stopping Winnie from digging herself out? Get your hands dirty, Winnie. We recommend using that nail file as a makeshift shovel.

Quote #8


Most strange. Never any change. And more and more strange. (1.31)

If your milk tastes strange, you spit it out, right? If there's a strange smell in your locker then you clean it out. You don't just do nothing. And yet, it's like Winnie is "waiting" for something to alter her life, but, to quote none other than President Obama himself: "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Quote #9


One cannot sing... just like that, no. It bubbles up, for some unknown reason, the time is ill chosen, one chokes it back. (2.1)

Even though we'd love to break into song and dance in the middle of a boring meeting, we know it's inappropriate. But Winnie seems to take certain rules to the extreme. After all, she's alone and in the middle of nowhere, so why is the time "ill chosen"? Why can't she just sing?