Happy Days Language & Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7


Ah well what a joy in any case to know you are there, as usual, and perhaps awake, and perhaps taking all this in... (1.31)

We never know for sure whether Willie is taking everything in, but just the ability to communicate with him is a joy and, ultimately, a victory against silence (or, death).

Quote #8


Ah yes, so little to say... and the fear so great, certain days, of finding oneself... (1.31)

With such little stimulus to give her new thoughts and new words, Winnie regularly has to regurgitate old, familiar phrases. But if she's ever going to find meaning in her existence, she's going to have to comment on the life she lives now and get her mind out of the past. Or maybe the present is exactly what she's trying to avoid.

Quote #9


Pray your old prayer, Winnie. (1.37)

What is important about the reassurance that Winnie finds in "old" words? Is it safety and familiarity, or is she afraid that there is nothing truly new left to say?