Happy Days Life, Consciousness, & Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4


Oh the happy memories! (1.3)

A big chunk of what Winnie says is recollections of memories. Is she living retrospectively? Does the present reality not matter to her anymore? Is it really living if you're not present?

Quote #5


... that is what I find so wonderful, it all comes back. (1.7)

Does it, Winnie? Or does it all just fade away like everything else. We can't really say that memories do anything to actively change Winnie's life for the better, or that they make her existence any better. Maybe it'd be better if Winnie just focused on the here and now.

Quote #6


'Tis only human. Human Nature. Human weakness. Natural weakness. (1.7)

Beckett appears to be commenting on the fallibility of being human. In many ways, we are we designed to be weak. But if this is the case, how do you become strong?