Happy Days Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4


That is what I find so wonderful, that not a day goes by—to speak in the old style—without some blessing—in disguise. (1.9)

A blessing in disguise? It's hard to see where Winnie is coming from. All the pain, the heat, the fact she's buried in the earth, where is the gift in that? We're thinking she's in some serious denial.

Quote #5


Bless you Willie I do appreciate your goodness I know what an effort it costs you... (1.23)

In this world, how hard is it to be good and how much effort is required for some one to be good?

Quote #6


How can one better magnify the Almighty than by sniggering with him at his little jokes, particularly the poorer ones? (1.29)

Beckett's characters are often put in grueling situations. In fact, most of the time it seems like the easier option is to accept defeat, and yet, they persevere. How do they do it? One way is by laughing at their own situation. Beckett's characters are aware of the joke that is life, and in accepting the absurdity they are able to persist.