Happy Days Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7


Left, with hours still to run, before the bell for sleep, and nothing more to say, nothing more to do, that the days go by, certain days go by, quite by, the bell goes, and little or nothing said, little or nothing done. (1.31)

Ah, the pressure to fill time—to drive on, but what do you do when you have nothing to fill your day? And where does that pressure come from?

Quote #8


On the other hand, did I ever know a temperate time? No. I speak of temperate times and torrid times, they are empty words. (1.31)

Is Winnie acknowledging that she may not even have "a past"? To speak of time is apparently an empty exercise—is it because time doesn't exist in Winnie's universe? If so, what are the implications of a timeless world?

Quote #9


Sometimes all is over, for the day, all done, all said... and the day not over, far from over... (1.31)

There seems to be a pull between wanting time to last and wanting time to pass—it seems like Winnie and Willie live in an in-between state, where nothing is ever good enough. We think that if Winnie were able to live in the moment, she would be a lot happier instead of panicking about the future and longing for the past.