Memories and the Past Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

ALBUS: It's a brilliant plan. The secret to not getting Cedric killed is to stop him winning the Triwizard Tournament. If he doesn't win, he can't be killed. (2.4.23)

Literally going back into the past is a terrible idea, but Albus and Scorpius need to experience how bad it is firsthand so that they learn their lesson. It's a little harder for people who are metaphorically stuck in the past to realize how damaging the effects of that can be.

Quote #5

ALBUS: Fine, let's go back—fix it. Get Cedric and Rose back. (2.16.28)

Albus is showing similarities to his father here. Make a mistake? No problem. Take a Time-Turner and fix it. It worked for Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban. Why wouldn't it work here?

Quote #6

DOLORES UMBRIDGE: But in the three days since I found you in that lake on Voldemort Day, you've become…odder and odder. In particular, this sudden obsession with Harry Potter. […] Questioning everyone you can about the Battle of Hogwarts. How Potter died. Why Potter died. And this ludicrous fascination with Cedric Diggory. (3.1.11)

Our search for "Cedric Diggory" on returned 827 results. There are a lot of people with a "ludicrous fascination" with Cedric Diggory. Why are they still stuck in 2000 when Goblet of Fire was published?