Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Resources
Check out the all-things-Harry-Potter site for more depth on the story.
Thirsting for more? Try the Wikipedia that's all about Harry.
Book or TV Adaptations
Errrm, yes, there's a book. You may have already heard of it. We certainly have.
Articles and Interviews
Intrigued? Read director David Yates' decidedly un-PG interpretation of what the film is all about.
Want more deets on how Daniel Radcliffe felt about his role in Half-Blood Prince? Rolling Stone has them.
Good idea: Here are five trailers to help you prep for the sixth flick.
Get a little taste of the soundtrack, courtesy of YouTube.
See where all the "magic" (get it?) happened, soundtrack-wise.
Sure, he's not the nicest guy…but we can't help but feel bad for him this year.
One site's interpretation of the whole "prince" concept.
We wouldn't want to be a Dark wizard right about now…